Peanut Butter Overnight Oats


By Amanda Livesay of Fake Ginger

I love a cold breakfast in the summer. I also love a breakfast that requires minimum effort because who wants to spend their summer in the kitchen?! Not me!

These vegan Peanut Butter Overnight Oats are a staple in my house, especially during summer. I usually double the recipe so that my boyfriend and I can both have one in the morning. We’re both obsessed.


And like I mentioned, they are super easy. Only six ingredients! And one of those is salt so it hardly counts as an ingredient. And no cooking at all required!

Overnight oats have to be the simplest breakfast you can make!


To make these vegan peanut butter overnight oats, you combine the non-dairy milk of your choice (I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk), chia seeds, peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you prefer), maple syrup, salt, and rolled oats. 

Just stir it all together and let it sit in the fridge overnight! In the morning, the oats will be softened and the chia seeds will have thickened the mixture nicely. From there, just top them with whatever toppings you like and you’re done! 

I like to make mine in mason jars so that I can just pop a top on them before I put them in the fridge. That also makes them really easy to take to work or school. 


My favorite toppings for overnight oats are whatever fruit happens to be in season! Bananas are good on top of oats all year long, but in the summer, I love to use fresh berries. In the winter, I’ll do chunks of apple or even dried fruit.

You can also add chopped nuts, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, pomegranate arils, or a drizzle of extra peanut butter! A drizzle of agave is also nice if you want a little extra sweetness.

Basically, just add whatever you like!


Vegan Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Makes 2 servings

Prep: 10 minutes

  •  1/2 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk (almond, oat, cashew, coconut, or soy)

  • 3/4 tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter (or nut butter of choice)

  • 1 tbsp pure maple syrup

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats

  • Fresh fruit, for topping

  1. Using a mason jar or a small bowl, whisk together milk, chia seeds, natural peanut butter, maple syrup, and salt until well combined.

  2. Add oats and stir until all oats are submerged.

  3. Cover with lid (or other covering) and let sit in the refrigerator overnight.

  4. When ready to serve, you can add your toppings right to the jar or move the oats to a bowl and top them.