Why You Should Consider Eating Less Meat This Meat Free Week
Why You Should Consider Eating Less Meat This Meat Free Week
Written by Jenny Rose Edwards
The 17th-23rd of June is World Meat Free Week, a dedicated week to campaigning about the benefits of eating less meat, more often.
The Why?
Eating red meat three times a week may increase risk of early death by 10%. (Source.)
Experts say that by 2050 the developed world will need to reduce their meat consumption by 50%. (Source.)
A new study shows that white meat (such as chicken) may raise blood cholesterol levels as much as red meat does. (Source.)
The main cause of deforestation is agriculture. Every second, an area of rainforest equivalent to a football field is cleared to rear and graze animals for the meat and dairy industries. (Source.)
There are countless meat alternatives on the market at the moment. Companies such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are dominating mainstream media, and even making their way into popular fast-food restaurants. Meat replacements will likely overtake the real thing in around 20 years time (Source.)
Replacing red meat with plant protein can reduce the risk of heart disease. (Source.)
Even a moderate intake of red meat raises cancer risk. (Source.)
What You Can Do
Share Articles
Read up on recent articles that outline the effect that meat has on your health, the environment, and also the ethics of it. If you want to have an even bigger impact, share the articles on social media, or with friends and family.
Research Recipes/Buy Cookbooks
Research meat-free versions of your favourite meals. You may be surprised at how easy it is to make classic dishes, meat-free! The Reducetarian Cookbook has over 125 delicious, easy, healthy recipes to help you gradually adopt the reducetarian lifestyle.
Cook Meat Free Meals
Once you have found some recipes that you like the look of, it’s time to try them out! Have fun with experimenting, and cooking new things. If you enjoy the meals, why not share some with family and friends? The best way to convince people about meat-free eating, is to prove it to them.
Get Involved With Campaigning
There are countless campaigns out there that you can get involved in. Whether it’s campaigning to stop the ban of using words such as ‘veggie burger, ‘vegan sausage’ etc. Or campaigning to expose the mistreatment of animals in the factory farming industry.
Meat-Free Recipes For Beginner Reducetarians
Aubergine Bhaji
Credit: Olive Magazine
Find the recipe here.
Creamy Mushroom Risotto
Credit: Wallflower Kitchen
Find the recipe here.
Tomato & White Bean Salad
Credit: The Cooks Pyjamas
Find the recipe here.