Thinking About Going Reducetarian? Here's Some Advice

A reducetarian is an individual who is committed to eating less meat and dairy and fewer eggs. It doesn’t matter what your motivation is, as long as you share the goal of reducing your intake of animal products then you’re a reducetarian!

If that sounds like something that resonates with you, then keep on reading for some simple advice on how to eat fewer animal products with ease.

Start Small

By setting yourself unrealistic goals you may be setting yourself up for failure. You are likely to stick to a reducetarian diet if you start out small, for example, if you have meat with every meal, then try to have one meat-free meal a day.

Cut Down On Processed First

A number of studies have found links between processed meat and certain forms of cancer. With this in mind, attempt to cut out processed meats first e.g. bacon, hot dogs etc.

Use Herbs & Spices

You’d never leave out seasoning or herbs and spices when preparing a steak, would you? So why do it when cooking plant foods? Plants are often wrongly accused of being bland and boring, but this is usually only when they’re not cooked properly. Herbs and spices are so important; they have the ability to turn the humble cauliflower into delicious cauliflower wings!

Buy High Quality Meat

The world’s appetite for cheap meat is getting worse, and it’s not only bad for the planet but it’s bad for human health, too. Meat used to be considered a luxury and now it’s something that can be accessed at a low price almost everywhere. Whenever you purchase animal products, go for the high quality option by looking out for high welfare or pasture-raised certifications.

Seek Out Alternatives

Despite what you may believe, plant-based alternatives are improving all the time and they’ve come along way in recent years thanks to the spike in vegan diets. Satiate your craving for something meaty by seeking out one of the many alternatives that the world now has to offer! Chances are, there’s a plant-based version of everything these days.

Get Involved In The Community

Follow other reducetarians on social media, or even vegans and vegetarians, to find inspiration and motivation from like-minded people. Also, check out blogs and articles for recipes and nutritional advice. The more you know about nutrition and the more overall research you do, the easier it will be to reduce your consumption of animal products.