Vegan supermarket coming to Portland

Cutting back on your meat intake is about to get a whole lot easier: the world’s first all-vegan supermarket chain is making its way to the United States.

Founded in 2011 by German entrepreneur Jan Bredack, Veganz is Europe’s leading vegan grocery store, offering “4,500 vegan products from over 260 suppliers.” With a dedication to nutritional health and environmental sustainability, Veganz encourages people from all walks of life to strive towards a plant-based lifestyle.

Of course, despite “vegan” being in the name, you certainly don’t have to be vegan to take advantage of what Veganz has to offer. In fact, 80% of its customers are neither vegan nor vegetarian. A haven for those seeking cruelty-free products, the supermarket welcomes all those with an open mind, willing to try new things and eat less meat. It’s a perfect place for reducetarians to venture deeper into the plant-based world.

With the opening of the first American location in Portland, Oregon, we can only hope that additional branches and other like-minded stores will pop up throughout the rest of the country. Until then, Portlandians can be the first to experience this plant-based wonderland and use both their voices as well as their wallets to support this positive enterprise. Meanwhile, those of you outside the Pacific Northwest can call for a Veganz store in your own locale as you continue to navigate past the meat aisles of traditional grocery stores. There might not be as wide of a meat-substitute selection available at your local store as there is at Veganz, but by all means, try them all! Let us know what your favorite is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we watch the growth of this revolutionary food supplier.

Written by Danika Lam

Bruce Sachs