

  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, or other cold-pressed oil

  • 2 tablespoons red wine, balsamic, or rice wine vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon chopped gherkins (optional)


In a small bowl, combine oil, vinegar, mustard, and gherkins (if using). Whisk together using a fork.


Vinaigrette keeps for up to 2 weeks in a covered container in the refrigerator. Bring to room temperature before using.

Makes 1/3 Cup

From "The Reducetarian Solution: How The Surprisingly Simple Act of Reducing The Amount of Meat in Your Diet Can Transform Your Health and The Planet" edited by Brian Kateman (Penguin Random House). Recipe developed by Pat Crocker. Photo by Ashleigh Amoroso.