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Meet the Fellows

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2024-2025 NYC Fellows

Alexis Hiraman

Fordham University / Political Science; Anthropology

Alexis is a senior at Fordham University interested in studying the racial and economic injustice prevalent within our food system. She strives to bring attention to important environmental issues by being vocal in her workspace and community, and hopes to incorporate consideration of these issues into her future career.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Alexis hopes to become more knowledgeable about sustainable and culturally inclusive initiatives for reducing societal consumption of animal products. She is also interested in bringing attention to the negative environmental impacts of factory farming, and how the precedents set by the United States affect other populations globally.

Alexis enjoys exploring new coffee shops and bookstores. She also enjoys spending time with her friends and family, and is also a Snoopy and Miffy lover.

Alyssa Balerio

Montclair State University / Public Health

Alyssa is a junior at Montclair State University pursuing a major in public health with a minor in journalism. Her career interests include increasing the accessibility of healthy food options in marginalized communities.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Alyssa hopes to learn more about the health consequences of the unsustainable practices in industrial animal farming, with a focus on increasing the visibility of said practices through journalism. She is also excited to use this opportunity to grow her professional network and further develop other career-relevant skills.

In her free time, Alyssa enjoys attending concerts, creating sketches, writing about endless topics, and discovering thrift stores that suit her love of fashion.

Ameilya Hadsell

Baruch College / Psychology

Ameilya is a sophomore at Baruch College studying psychology. After finishing her bachelor’s she plans to get a PhD in clinical psychology, to support a career working with children in a therapeutic setting.

Ameilya joined the Reducetarian Fellowship because of her passion for slowing climate change by ending factory farming. Through this opportunity, she hopes to grow her knowledge about the data underlying these issues. She’s looking forward to gaining valuable insights and sharing them with others who have less access to this information.

Ameilya loves listening to music, reading, going on walks, and spending time with her cats.

Anisha Halder

Queens College / Environmental Science

Anisha is a senior at Queens College pursuing a B.S. in environmental science. She is passionate about finding innovative ways to reduce her impact on the environment while promoting animal welfare.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Anisha aims to develop practical solutions that integrate a concern for animal well being into sustainability efforts so as to make a more holistic and meaningful impact on the planet and those we share it with.

During her downtime Anisha enjoys a variety of activities, including practicing pilates, gardening, doing her nails, and enjoying quality time spent with her cat.

Arfath Chowdhury

City College / Biomedical Sciences

Arfath is a second-year student at the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education at CCNY pursuing a major in biomedical sciences with a minor in human rights. To Arfath, health is multifaceted and interconnected, requiring an open-minded approach that involves raising the voices of marginalized patients. She is Events Coordinator at her school’s Physicians for Human Rights Chapter and a health educator at Switch It Up, Break It Down, where she leads workshops on healthy eating for elementary school students.

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Arfath hopes to deepen her understanding of how factory farming impacts global health systems. She hopes to apply the Reducetarian Philosophy to play a vital role in the communities she’ll serve as a physician, health leader, and advocate for healthy and sustainable dietary choices in underserved communities.

In her free time, Arfath enjoys reading (her favorite genre being Asian American literature), scrapbooking, writing letters, playing card games, and finding new places to explore in NYC.

Balsamine Chen

Hunter College / Environmental Studies; Chinese

Balsamine is a junior at CUNY Hunter College in the Macaulay Honors Program, double majoring in environmental studies and Chinese. She is pursuing a career in the environmental field where she can combine her love for science and language with a particular interest in natural resource management and agriculture.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Balsamine hopes to more deeply understand how industrial animal agriculture affects workers, animals, and the environment. She is also interested in what current solutions are being implemented to address issues caused by factory farming.

In her free time, Balsamine enjoys cooking new recipes and rock climbing.

Daniella Gostev

Brooklyn College / Urban Sustainability; Environmental Science

Daniella Gostev (she/her) is an undergraduate student studying urban sustainability and environmental science at Brooklyn College.

Daniella has a wide-ranging interest in many different aspects of environmental justice. Through the Reducetarian Fellowship she is excited to learn more about concrete ways to dismantle the animal farming industry alongside like-minded peers. She is looking forward to using this knowledge to help bring more intersectionality to environmental discussions.

Daniella enjoys spending time outdoors with her friends and family, mending, and creating art. She currently resides in Brooklyn.

Frankie Davila

Bronx Community College / Medical lab Technology

Frankie is a second-year student at Bronx Community College, pursuing a major in medical lab technology. With five years of experience as a pharmacy technician at a locally owned pharmacy, Frankie is passionate about healthcare and community well being.

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Frankie aims to explore innovative ways to enhance access to healthy foods in low-income neighborhoods, drawing from personal experiences living in such areas. Having attempted a vegan lifestyle, Frankie faced challenges in finding plant-based options nearby, fueling a commitment to advocate for better food accessibility and promote healthier choices for underserved communities.

Frankie enjoys going on bike rides and having craft nights with friends.

Gemma Oshiro

Fordham University / International Studies; French and Francophone Studies

Gemma is a senior at Fordham University pursuing a double major in international studies and French. Her academic interests include researching and writing about global issues, social movements, and information dissemination.

Gemma believes that access to information and education are crucial tools for societal change. Through the Reducetarian Fellowship she hopes to make essential information about the harms of factory farming accessible on a global level, as a way to counter the powerful agenda of the animal agriculture industry.

In her free time, Gemma enjoys trying new coffee shops and restaurants in the city with her friends. She also loves to go thrifting to find new pieces to add to her closet.

Ian Hammond

Rutgers University / Environmental Engineering

Ian graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in environmental engineering and is currently in the first year of a masters in environmental engineering, also at Rutgers.

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Ian hopes to expand his knowledge on the environmental impacts of factory farming and how to create sustainability within the food system. He plans to leverage this understanding in his career, in order to implement environmental engineering solutions geared towards mitigating the widespread harms that arise from industrial animal agriculture.

In his free time Ian enjoys hiking, watching and playing sports, visiting museums, and trying new restaurants and cuisines.


Madelyn McMath

Queens College / Economics; Food Management; Business & Liberal Arts

Madelyn is a junior in the Macaulay Honors Program at Queens College double majoring in economics and food management and minoring in business & liberal arts. She is currently open to a range of future paths, but is most excited about the prospect of finding a career that integrates all of her diverse interest areas.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Madelyn hopes to learn more about the ways in which factory farming both causes and involves waste, and how this impacts food scarcity and insecurity, as well as strategies to address this.

In her free time, Madelyn enjoys traveling, drinking coffee, and running for her cross-country and track teams.


Messiah Keyes

Baruch College / Philosophy

Messiah is a junior at Baruch College majoring in philosophy and minoring in English. Her career interests include finance, environmental sustainability, and research.

Messiah’s goal as a Reducetarian Fellow is to expand her knowledge on how she can make life more sustainable and healthy. She is extremely excited to dive into this new topic. In previous projects Messiah has focused on the effects of climate change on humans and wildlife. She is looking forward to this opportunity to learn about how industrial animal agriculture impacts the climate and the environment more broadly.

When she has a moment to herself, Messiah enjoys spending time with loved ones. She also likes crocheting, gaming, and jump roping.


Rebecca Huynh

Queens College / Design

Rebecca graduated from CUNY Queens College with a BFA in design, concentrating in communication and illustrative design.

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Rebecca strives to understand the current food industry. She hopes to use this learning opportunity to discover different ways to create a more sustainable and ethical food environment for people in all communities. She is eager to see how she can apply her graphic design skills to the work of reducing the consumption of unethical animal products in our food system.

In her free time, you’ll find Rebecca curled up in a cozy corner either reading her favorite stories or planning her mini comic series.


Victor Wu

Queens College / Computer Science

Victor is a first-generation Chinese American who recently graduated from CUNY Queens College with a degree in computer science. His current career interests are building sustainable technology solutions using software, machine learning, and AI.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Victor is interested in learning about how technology could help bring about a future without factory farming. He is driven to use his technical expertise to implement innovative and sustainable solutions that aid in the fight against the animal farming industry and promote sustainability in the food system.

In his free time, Victor enjoys playing airsoft with his friends, practicing MMA, coding, watching anime, and playing and watching sports.

Johann Diaz

Queens College / Psychology

Johann began his education at Queensborough Community College and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in social sciences at Queens College, expecting to graduate in 2025. He aims to earn a master’s degree and become a licensed mental health therapist, focusing on reducing mental health stigma in the Latino community.

Johann chose the fellowship to explore the psychological effects of slaughterhouses on employees and to contribute to Reducetarian Foundation’s goals, while also aiming to work on his communication skills with his peers.

Johann enjoys playing basketball, spending time with family and friends, and occasionally playing the guitar.


Mahidah Shahzad

Baruch College / Finance

Mahidah is a senior at Baruch College majoring in finance and minoring in psychology. At Baruch, she is the Executive Vice President for Scholars of Finance and is the Vice President of Events for the Debate Team. She is interested in pursuing a career in consulting and social reform.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Mahidah is eager to expand the awareness and availability of plant-based meals globally, especially in low-income communities where education concerning sustainability is limited. She is also interested in activism and creating impactful change that minimizes the detrimental effects of factory farming.

In her leisure, Mahidah loves discovering new vegan restaurants and recipes, spending time with her family, binging tv shows, and listening to music


Miyu Peters

New York University / Environmental Studies

Miyu is a junior at New York University. During high school she developed a passion for sustainable fashion, and has since dedicated herself to learning about various environmental issues.

Miyu has always loved animals. Through the Reducetarian Fellowship she wants to gain more knowledge and experience on how to tackle issues that affect animal welfare, especially given that our diets and the health of our planet is so directly intertwined with their well being.

In her free time, Miyu enjoys reading (she’s read 33 books this year!), journaling, doing pilates, and listening to various types of music. Having grown up in Tokyo, Japan, Miyu loves the fast-paced city life. This year, she looks forward to exploring New York's food scene more.


Stephanie Ng

Queens College / Nutrition and Dietetics

Stephanie is a sophomore at Macaulay Honors College at CUNY Queens College pursuing a bachelor’s in nutrition and dietetics. She’s interested in preventing and healing illnesses with food, and is working to become a registered dietitian.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Stephanie is eager to learn more about the connection between health and plant-based eating. She hopes to gain a new perspective on the food industry, and promote a better lifestyle for both animals and humans.

In her free time, you can catch Stephanie at a concert, trying new recipes in the kitchen, and playing video games with her friends.


Ziyi Zhao

John Jay College / Forensic Psychology

Ziyi is currently studying forensic psychology and philosophy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She is curious about the intersection of human behavior and ethics.

Ziyi is passionate about the intricate relationship between nature and humanity. By participating in the Reducetarian Fellowship, she hopes to gain knowledge and understanding about why we eat what we eat, and the impacts our food choices have on animals and the ecosystem, as well as on human society—especially through their political and economic effects. She’s hoping to use this learning to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Outside of her academic interests, Ziyi founded a hydroponic farming company to further her vision of bringing fresh, locally sourced produce to urban communities.

Kayla Wadwa-Hansel

Brooklyn College / Political Science

Kayla is a junior at Brooklyn College focused on the connection between politics and environmental sustainability. Her academic journey has been marked by a study of the complex legal and policy challenges that impact our environment. In her future career, Kayla aspires to contribute meaningfully to the field of environmental law.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Kayla is eager to learn from experts in sustainability and engage with like-minded peers who share her dedication to creating a more sustainable world. She is excited to expand her knowledge, hone her skills, and deepen her passion for environmental advocacy through this opportunity.

In her free time, Kayla enjoys cooking, reading, and spending quality time with her loved ones. She also loves being outdoors, where she finds inspiration and motivation to continue her work.


Marissa Chavez

Fordham University / Communications and Culture

Marissa is a senior at Fordham University, majoring in communications & culture with a minor in marketing. Her passion for animal rights began in high school when she learned about the cruelty-free movement against cosmetic testing on animals. Since then, she has been a dedicated advocate for animal welfare.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Marissa is excited to deepen her understanding of our food systems, explore ways to reduce animal product consumption, and embrace what it means to live a reducetarian lifestyle.

In her free time, Marissa enjoys trying new recipes, thrifting, pilates, meditating, and spending time in nature.


Omar Ahmed

Queens College / Quantitative Economics; Political Science

Omar is a senior at Queens College studying political science and quantitative economics, with minors in social sciences and history. He is interested in studying the impacts of climate change, migration, economic systems, and warfare on human conditions and political systems.

Omar came to the Reducetarian Fellowship out of an interest in the public health impacts of consuming animal products, but has now learned how embedded factory farming is in the fabric of society more broadly. He is eager to learn more about the political reasons why this social ill persists, and what we can do about it. He is interested in applying various theoretical frameworks to examine the intersection between factory farming and American politics such as structure and agency approaches and political economy theory.

Omar is a writer for the Knight News, and an intern with the Queens College Service Corps. He enjoys table tennis, historical European martial arts, and birdwatching.

Suzanna Lloyd

Fordham University / Environmental Studies

Suzanna is a senior at Fordham University. She is passionate about ecofeminism and developing a more symbiotic human-nature relationship. In her work as a barista, Suzanna became passionate about creating more ethical supply chains, especially regarding commodity goods in the Global South. She is currently conducting research with Latin American female coffee producers.

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship Suzanna hopes to gain a deeper understanding of factory farming’s effects on the environment and the human body, as well as learn more about the implications of the devaluation of farmed animals in our food system.

In her free time, Suzanna enjoys attending yoga classes, eating good food with her friends, and traveling!

2024-2025 DC Fellows

Ava Stewart

George Washington University / Interaction Design; Entrepreneurship

Ava is a sophomore at George Washington University interested in how design practices shape the world around us. On campus she works at the Innovation Center helping develop student projects for a more sustainable future and mentoring students through the Women’s Leadership Program. 

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Ava hopes to learn the institutional and structural blocks to a green future and how those barriers specifically impact rural communities. She believes the only way forward is through hope, a pillar of the Reducetarian Foundation’s ethos. 

Outside of work you might catch Ava enjoying the outdoors, watching a documentary, or working on a quilt.

Christina Inya

University of Rochester / Public Health

Christina’s studies focused on the social, cultural, and psychological determinants of health, emphasizing disease prevention and promoting well-being. She is currently preparing for graduate studies in nutrition and dietetics.

Hands-on experience in clinical healthcare has taught Christina that sustainable health outcomes require a mindful, multidisciplinary approach. As a Reducetarian Fellow and future registered dietitian, she is excited to collaborate with experts across various fields to holistically examine the effects of factory farming on our food system.

Christina also serves as the Community Service Chair for Umu Igbo Unite, a non-profit connecting Igbos in the diaspora. She enjoys sharing culinary creations on her food blog, collecting more books than she’ll ever read, and going on nature walks with friends.

Emmy Ryn

George Washington University / Photojournalism; Anthropology

Emmy is a senior at George Washington University and has focused on building community through art, music, and gardening. She also currently works as a research assistant for GET North, a project analyzing social impacts within green energy transitions.

Raised in Alaska, Emmy is passionate about Indigenous rights, decolonizing the outdoors, and food sovereignty. Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, she is especially interested in keeping these voices at the forefront of climate movements while learning more about stakeholders involved in our food systems. In the future, Emmy aims to dedicate their multimedia storytelling to the environment and cultural ecology. 

In their free time, Emmy likes to sit with a book by the duck pond on the National Mall or play with their nephew, a cat named Arthur. 

Haley Armstrong

American University / Music; Anthropology

Haley is a sophomore at American University with academic interests in world cultures, history, expressions of social issues through art, animal welfare, and social and environmental justice. 

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Haley hopes to explore the complex relationships between animals, humans, and the environment through an anthropological lens. She values ethically sourced food and food transparency and hopes to learn more about how to hold governments and agribusinesses accountable in promoting safe and nutritious food access for low-income and historically marginalized communities. She hopes to educate people about the importance of reducing the consumption of animal products for both human and environmental health.

In her free time, Haley enjoys singing, writing, drawing, cooking, going on walks, and spending time with her cats.

Kate Clarkson

American University / Business Administration, Marketing & Sustainability

Kate is a senior at American University pursuing her passion for environmental protection through courses focused on sustainable development, justice, and entrepreneurship. Professionally, Kate’s goal is to advocate for the adoption of more transparent, conscientious, and sustainable practices within the business-world. Through her internship with BluShark Digital and consulting project with IMP, she is expanding her experience in marketing.    

Through the Fellowship, Kate is excited to broaden her knowledge on the issues within the US agricultural system. She is inspired to research and understand sustainable agricultural practices that help improve environmental protection and food justice. 

In her free time, she loves to spend time with friends, try new recipes and restaurants, and explore the outdoors.  

Maiya Kim

University of Maryland, College Park / Public Health; English

Maiya is a junior at the University of Maryland currently pursuing the pre-medicine track with the goal of becoming a physician. When not in class, Maiya is a member of multiple health organizations including the Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program and Lean On Me. 

Through the Reducetarian Fellowship, Maiya hopes to learn how to be an effective advocate for public health issues by learning how factory farming impacts human health. She is interested in hearing from various experts regarding their views on how to end factory farming in order to create a healthier, more ethical food system. 

In her free time she enjoys running, watching movies, and learning to bake.

Masaia Abrams

Howard University / Environmental Science

Masaia is a senior at Howard University with career interests in building sustainable agriculture to ensure food security while preserving ecological integrity and rebuilding a resilient ecosystem.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Masaia wants to learn more about what a career in sustainable agriculture would look like. They want to understand their part in reducing industrial farming and the impact it has on the environment. They hope to turn their passion for nature and climate justice into a career.

Masaia enjoys music, parks, and traveling. In their free time, they like late-night walks, yoga, surfing, and going to the botanical gardens.

Melissa Davies-Cole

George Washington University / Master of Public Health

Melissa is a first year Master of Public Health student at the George Washington University with a concentration in Epidemiology. She is interested in advocating for health equity and maternal and child health as well as promoting sustainable development and ethical healthcare access and research. 

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Melissa hopes to bridge her understanding of medicine and public health with factory farming’s impact on nutrition and food systems. By exploring the interconnectedness between food systems and health, Melissa hopes to integrate sustainability into her current studies.

In her free time, Melissa enjoys watching and playing sports, reading, and traveling. 

Natalie Solomon

George Washington University / Criminal Justice

Natalie is a senior at George Washington University who is passionate about environmental justice and sustainability.

As a pre-law student she hopes to pursue a legal career that specializes in public interest and environmental law. While participating in the Reducetarian Fellowship, Natalie hopes to deepen her understanding of how factory farming impacts health inequalities in society. Through expanding her knowledge of the impacts of factory farming, she aspires to educate others on how to eat in a more sustainable way.

In her free time, Natalie enjoys running outside, trying new recipes, and snuggling with her puppy Bubbles.

Patricia Travis

Howard University / Psychology

Patricia is a senior at Howard University with a passion for community outreach.

She plans to pursue clinical psychology and is a foodie with a green thumb who turned her life around and improved her relationship with food. As a Reducetarian Fellow, Patricia is excited to embark on a journey of learning the issues in today's food industry and, with an open mind, understand why more plant-forward eating is a critical step in building healthier food systems. She hopes that with what she learns she can educate her community and promote the idea of a better, healthier life.

In her free time, she enjoys binge-watching shows, reading, growing plants, studying music, exploring food with family and friends.

Sana Amjad

UMD College Park / Information Science

Sana is a senior at the University of Maryland - College Park with experience in information risk management, digital infrastructure, and data analysis. Through her various internships, and her roles as a teaching assistant and on the UMD College of Information’s Advisory Council, she blends technical expertise with creative talent. 

Passionate about sustainability, she seeks to implement technology solutions that support environmental stewardship and align with the Reducetarian Foundation's mission. Through this fellowship, Sana is excited to learn more about how she can leverage her data analysis skills to measure impact and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations within food systems.

In her free time, Sana hobbies include being a DJ, photography, and traveling.

Paul Aversa

Georgetown University / Science, Technology & International Affairs

Paul is a senior at Georgetown University where he is involved in organizations focused on the intersection of business, social justice, and sustainability. He currently works at the Department of Justice where he tackles environmental pollution and fish & wildlife cases. As someone from a first-gen, low income background, Paul is particularly interested in championing social justice within sustainability, focusing on environmental policy frameworks that consider class and race. As a Reducetarian Fellow, he hopes to learn from people’s experiences in combating factory farming and adapt these perspectives to apply it to his career in environmental law. In his free time, Paul likes to hike through Rock Creek and drink boba with his friends.

Teagan Moncrieffe

Bowie State University / Business; Marketing

Teagan is a student at Bowie State University who has been learning about the business world and how to navigate professional settings. Some of her values include compassion, respect, professionalism, and sustainability. 

During her time as a Reducetarian Fellow, she hopes to learn the ins and outs of the food system, specifically, how industrial animal agriculture disproportionately impacts marginalized communities and the political influence of Big Ag. Using what she learns as a Fellow and business student, she hopes to enact political change to help marginalized communities.

Her hobbies include cooking, cosmetology, gardening, health and fitness, and reading. 

Reice McCowan

Howard University / Political Science

Reice is a senior at Howard University interested in food access and community development.  She is passionate about encouraging the public to consume less processed and unhealthy foods, and improving low-income communities’ access to quality produce. She is a volunteer at Sunny South Community Garden where she takes part in the initiative to revitalize the garden and encourage community participation.

As a Reducetarian Fellow, Reice hopes to learn more about holistic food systems, the effects of factory farming on low-income communities, and navigating the challenges of encouraging shifts in dietary habits. 

In her free time, Reice enjoys pilates, reading, trying new recipes, and exploring new hobbies.

Workneh Getsaw

Howard University / Afro-American Studies

Workneh is a senior at Howard University whose studies are deeply informed by his upbringing in Ethiopia where traditional food systems are increasingly seen as backwards and in Brooklyn, where he witnessed Black communities working to restore healthy relationships with food. 

As a Reducetarian Fellow he is excited to explore how the African American community can and is restoring traditional relationships with food. And by extension, how African countries can make progress without the harms of industrial animal agriculture that the African American community is fighting against. 

In his free time he enjoys making videos, cooking, and listening to folk music.