More Schools Implementing Meatless Mondays


Written by Dalton Sweet

The benefits of a reducetarian diet are not exclusive to adults. Children can also improve their health, the environment, and the lives of animals by eating less meat. Numerous schools are recognizing these positives and taking appropriate action in their cafeterias. Over 120 school districts (including Boston, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles) have implemented Meatless Mondays. This concept has already begun to make positive changes, and other school districts across the nation are certainly taking note.

Each district has various motivations for making the change. Los Angeles focuses exclusively on health, aiming to “teach students about healthy eating, balanced diets, and overall well-being.” Others, like Philadelphia, made their decision to “benefit the environment and animal welfare” too. Regardless, implementing these programs during such formative years is a great way to prepare kids for a lifetime of healthy-eating and respect for the world around them.