Improve Your Diet On the Go

Balancing work and health as a working man or woman is never easy. We hop in our cars or rush to the subway every morning, donuts in hand. As soon as we get to the office, we are welcomed by endless meetings and conference calls. Amid all this chaos, many people rely on jerkies, chips and other processed snacks to restore their energy. It's no surprise then, that 72 percent of white-collar professionals employed in business and finance have poor eating habits (American Heart Association). Inflexible work schedules make it hard to find time to prepare healthy foods. Processed meat and other junk food are very portable and easy to store, their convenience making them tempting. They are not, however, the only option. You can reduce your consumption of meat and other processed foods when you make simple, everyday choices.

Here are a few useful tips for having a healthy diet when you're a worker on the go:

1. Get rid of your "Donut Box"

Replace your high-calorie snack like jerkies and Snickers by vegetables and fruits.

 (Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada's article Plan Well)

2. Set an achievable goal every week

For example:

  • I will order the half-sized steak this week
  • I will only eat vegetable this Monday.
  • I will have an extra piece of fruit every day.

3. Make smart choices while shopping

Always keep in mind one thing: whole foods are always a better option than processed ones. If you've got a choice between a fresh orange and some beef jerky, go with the orange!

Written by Wangda Zhao

Bruce Sachs