Veganuary Prompts A Positive New Year's Resolution

Veganuary Prompts a Positive New Year's Resolution

Written by Tyler Puckett

Reducetarians practice plant-based lifestyles in a variety of ways. Many participate in Meatless Mondays, some opt for Vegan Before 6, and others commit to cut meat from their diet altogether. But this January, a UK-based organization is offering yet another option by encouraging individuals to try veganism in a month long challenge, known as Veganuary.

The facts about reducing meat consumption can sometimes be overwhelming. And while Veganuary does answer why a vegan diet is beneficial, they set themselves apart by providing unique information and resources to tackle the how of veganism. Recipe collections, product reviews, and restaurant menu information all help to make the experience easy, informative, and enjoyable.

If you're interested in learning more about Veganuary, or would like to take the challenge for a better start to 2017, check out their website for more info. Making a New Year's resolution to try veganism for the month of January is a simple and easy way to live a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally friendly lifestyle.