How Eating Less Meat Can Help The Oceans

Written by Jenny Rose Edwards

You might be dubious towards the idea that meat consumption is connected to the health of the oceans, but it really is true. In fact, eating less meat can help the oceans in a multitude of ways, especially if you consider seafood to be a form of meat.

The idea of going completely meat-free might feel overwhelming to you, and perhaps even impossible, which is why the reducetarian movement exists. Committing to saving the planet does not have to be an all or nothing approach, you can reduce as little or as much as you like, and you will still be a part of the reducetarian community.

Climate Change

The oceans are being impacted by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and factory farming is a huge culprit. Greenhouse gases cause changes in water temperature and ocean acidification, negatively impacting ocean biodiversity. As you have likely seen in the news, coral reefs are dying all over the world due to coral bleaching, and this is because of the rising temperature.

Industrial Agriculture Waste

Unfortunately, factory farm waste does not stay on farms, it spreads far and wide and pollutes waterways and the oceans. The type of waste produced by factory farming includes a whole mixture of nasty things such as antibiotics, hormones, animal excretion, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals. Water pollution can become so bad that it causes ‘dead zones’.


Finally, the most obvious way that eating less meat can help the oceans is by decreasing demand. The oceans are being fished at a faster rate than they can be replenished due to the rising demand for food (which is down to overconsumption). The ocean’s biodiversity is at risk of completely collapsing and a more sustainable food system needs to take place before it’s too late.

Tips For Eating Less Meat

  • Embark on the journey with a friend. It’s always easier to try something new when you have someone else to motivate you and help you out.

  • Start off by partaking in one of the structured weekly challenges, such as Meatless Monday’s.

  • Shop around in different supermarkets to discover more exciting plant-based products.

  • Expand your horizon by cooking with ingredients that are new to you and trying recipes that you’ve never tried before.